5th February 2012
Apparently doodling can be good for you. Although when I do it, it's not so good for Ed Merritt.
A bit before christmas I finally decided to sketch out some ideas I'd been having for a new layout and design for cargowire.
The idea was pretty simple. With the homepage acting as a funnel through which I push the various channels of blog, articles, portfolio and events I could have a consistent, relatively rigid, grid layout with obvious scope for responsiveness. The only problem was I wanted some nice design touches.
Luckily I work at a great agency where I get to share the building with some awesome designers... who I can then hassle for pro bono photoshop wizardry.
So Ed got my sketch, a paragraph explaining it and a skype along the lines of:
...a Sharp Retro look, kinda 50s with bright strong colours.
In our microcosm of the design process we'd started out with a wireframe and a genre based on some keywords and a few snippets of other sites (e.g. breadcrumbs from the guardian) - a losely held together 'mood board' if you like.
After a few iterations Ed came up with an automotive / americana feeling logo that fitted right with my thinking and from there the rest just grew into the original wireframe. He even did an html template for me... what a nice guy...
Although I'm pretty pleased with it I now have to hunt down a whole bunch of content that I didn't have on my previous site. While I do that, please bear with me with the Placeholder images!
So, cheers to Ed for the stunning design. Hopefully I won't bastardise it too much as I bend it to my will... although I might redo the markup and js ;-)
Having not made the trip down to Bournemouth for re:develop 1 or 2 it was great to be in attendance for it's third incarnation.
Making games over a weekend... competitively... and we chose a dead technology... why the hell not!
Hack Days are awesome. How could they not be? you get to make stuff with like minded people with no bosses, no client deadlines, no point but the love of it.
It's been a while since I posted. I'd like to say that's because a lot's been going on. In reality I got lazy and now I just happen to have something to write about that can make it sound like a lot has been going on.