16th October 2008
So today Mr Boag himself helpfully twittered this site address. The image below shows what shall now be known as 'the boag effect'. As you can see there was a 'slight' change in visitors this afternoon. I'd like to attribute that to my excellent content, exciting design and general awesomeness
However I must concede that Paul may have had a minor effect.
Having not made the trip down to Bournemouth for re:develop 1 or 2 it was great to be in attendance for it's third incarnation.
Making games over a weekend... competitively... and we chose a dead technology... why the hell not!
Hack Days are awesome. How could they not be? you get to make stuff with like minded people with no bosses, no client deadlines, no point but the love of it.
It's been a while since I posted. I'd like to say that's because a lot's been going on. In reality I got lazy and now I just happen to have something to write about that can make it sound like a lot has been going on.