Craig Rowe

Techlead / Developer

20th July 2009Blog

I love the dev community for this reason:

One of the reasons I've always enjoyed being part of the web is the fantastic people it attracts. Rarely have I met someone in the industry that I couldn't get on with on some level... and today that view was reinforced.…

2nd July 2009Blog

10 Things I learnt from Glasto '09

Back from glasto.. after getting tired/wet/sunburnt all at once I've made a list of ten... exciting huh...…

4th June 2009Blog

MVC is finally installed on my home PC!

For those intrigued by my twitter activity tonight (OK, it was just Dave and I've already told him anyway), but still, I ambiguously cried out: …

3rd May 2009Blog

New article posted! (don't hate me for my .net)

Yesterday I Posted a new article covering some of my thoughts on .NET (check it out over in the articles section). It's in response to the many conversations I seem to have with people who are on the verge of being shocked and appalled that I use .NET. So I decided to get some of that discussion down on paper. It's not an intro to .NET or a comparison between .NET and the rest although aspects of both can be found in my rambling, and I certainly don't think everyone views .NET in that way.…

28th April 2009Blog

You really should know and use these... seriously...

Simple things apparently annoy me a great deal...…

18th April 2009Blog

Web Developer Day '09 [notes to be completed]

The second ever Web DD is over and I'm finally home after a nice early start and lengthy drive. However once again it proved to be a worthwhile event with interesting as well as exciting presentations. Old school talk breakdown coming up (These are preliminary, i'll add to it when I get a chance): …

12th April 2009Blog

The Old Switcharoo

Having had only non-designer girls appreciate my design for cargowire I managed to cajole co-Headscapist Ed Merritt into creating an alternative.…

17tn March 2009Blog

SXSW - Fifth Day round up

Finally finished my last post on SXSW! took a while (and I kinda tailed off on the later days), but I'm glad I followed through with making notes and writing them up to help solidify thoughts in my mind, if nothing else... Day Five...…

16th March 2009Blog

SXSW - Fourth Day round up

Unfortunately after waking up early, quickly showering, grabbing breakfast and thinking about a taxi we realised there weren't any good opening talks today. So instead we hung back at the hotel for a bit and went in later.